Merovingians , long-haired rulers
Frankish warriors lined up on a sinking in the mud Champ de Mars in Paris . King Clovis , as every year, achieved a spring review of the troops . Suddenly, he stopped at one of his comrades in arms ,
Frankish warriors lined up on a sinking in the mud Champ de Mars in Paris . King Clovis , as every year, achieved a spring review of the troops . Suddenly, he stopped at one of his comrades in arms ,
Castilian Pedro Arbues de Epila did not sleep at night , Tomas de Torquemada since I appointed him Grand Inquisitor Zaragoza. Mighty Kingdom of Aragon and men of converted Jews had for him straight morbid
Mary Stuart for a few weeks she had to sit on the throne of Scotland.
Scotland has provided Maria and her French courtiers rather hitherto unknown sensations. Although the five-day sea voyage Englishmen
Europeans who arrived during the Crusades to the Holy Land , they could hear a lot of amazing history. Among them were tales of a mysterious group of followers of Islam. Apparently, appeared out of nowhere