Trade and Politics

From past to the future

Event in Roswell

Many people claim that the Earth visiting aliens . The problem is just a lack of reliable evidence of such visits . Is it possible that in a hangar there is such evidence – crashed ” flying saucer ” ?

Alien spacecraft enters the Earth’s atmosphere . Suddenly – failure ! Pilot it small creatures lose control of the helm . The vehicle is driven to earth near the town of Roswell in the U.S. state of New Mexico. The sheriff , who sees the distant glow of the fire , it sends to the place of the fire department , because she thinks it’s a plane crash . However, the way obstruct the soldiers . Do not allow firefighters to enter the scene of the accident . In the distance you can see in the spotlight wrecked vehicle unlike any “normal” aircraft. The next day the farmer William Mac Brazel is at his ranch fragments of strange objects : something that looks like aluminum foil, but can not be cut or pierce , and like pieces of wood with engraved markings resembling Egyptian hieroglyphics . Meanwhile, the people of counterintelligence collect the remains of the vehicle and export these trucks to the local air base , and from there planes in an unknown direction. A nurse from the base says that she saw the body of the crew that did not resemble the people! Base spokesman announces : ” Reports of flying saucers turned out to be true.” Message repeated media around the world. But soon from Washington comes secrecy order the whole thing . There is a new ” official version ” : the earth has fallen weather balloon . Brazel receive military vehicle parts and intimidate those who dare to tell the truth.


So in a nutshell is the story of the events in 1947 in Roswell , which in many varieties can be found in books, movies and the Internet . The various versions differ in details or contradict each other , but their common feature is the belief that the American army came into possession of the spacecraft and at all costs tried to keep this fact secret. In this way, Roswell has become one of the great myths of the second half of the twentieth century. How was it really ?

For centuries, people looked at the sky and sees on the various unexplainable phenomenon. They further submitted that the ground sometimes get strange objects . In ancient Rome , during the reign of King Numa Pompilius , apparently fell from the sky shield of bronze. According to the work Otia Imperial , feathers medieval English writer Gervase of Tilbury , the residents of a small town near Bristol used the anchor flying ship to carry the church door. Apparently when he flew over the city, the anchor got caught in one of the cemetery tombstones. He tried to unhook her soaring sailor, but could not make it – he strangled himself , because he could not breathe Earth air ! In the end, the crew cut off the rope to the anchor .

American provincial newspapers of the late nineteenth century readers entertained with stories about flying ships circling over the U.S., and since the mid- twentieth century aliens ensconced in popular culture . In 1936, the panic caused by Orson Welles’ radio play about an invasion from Mars , which students took for real news . During World War II airmen often talked about strange objects accompanying their aircraft , which they called “foo fighters ” .

27 July 1947 pilot Kenneth Arnold , flying in search of a crashed car on Cascading Mountains in Washington state , saw on cloudless sky regiment of strange ” aircraft “, bigger and faster than contemporary jets. According to Arnold , these objects sliding across the sky ” like saucers thrown on water” . Therefore, the press called them ” flying saucers “, although the Arnold variously described their shapes – from deformed circles, the boomerang , the crescent moon. Soon, America was flooded with reports of similar ” flying saucers ” . And then, a spokesman for the base in Roswell delivered his famous statement.

Over the decades around the crash at Roswell grew a jungle of half-truths , conscious and unconscious falsification mistakes. Argued , among other things , that the disaster occurred not in town , but in the desert, near the city of Corona and Roswell taken only wreck object. Doubts arise also date . Media were informed about the incident July 8, 1947 year. Base spokesman reported that the vehicle has crashed “a few days earlier ,” but did not specify when. Witnesses , followed by researchers give different dates . It is certain, therefore, only that the incident took place at the turn of June and July 1947. The problem is that the UFO researchers became interested in him after more than 30 years. That’s a lot of time and memory likes to play tricks . Therefore, many skeptics defines the whole story as an example of ” retrospective falsification ” . It means a true story , in fact, a relationship which over time are added various invented , or for other events , items. At the end of the initial message of fiction entirely true.

Interest in this subject made in 1995, the U.S. Air Force issued an official statement . It follows that crashed near Roswell , a special balloon released as part of a secret project ” Mogul ” . Its aim was to see whether the Russians have an atomic bomb . Flying at high altitude balloons were using a sensitive microphone to detect the sound of a nuclear explosion . The project ended at the stage of test flights . To track the balloon on the radar , mounted underneath screens with aluminum foil attached to a wooden skeleton. About the project ” Mogul ” knew a few people, so when the ground dropped something strange , observers succumbed to the suggestions of media and considered it a ” flying saucer ” . Over time, neoprene ( the material from which made the balloon ) and wood gained in the memory of witnesses unusual features . The theory of the collapse of the balloon translates as ” hieroglyphs ” by them memorized . Well radar screens were affixed with adhesive tape , on which is printed a variety of geometric motifs and drawings . In turn, this alleged alien body – the representatives aviation – dummies used to test parachute . Although such dummies used only since the 50s , but combining them with an accident in 1947 may be another example obtained in the said ” retrospective falsification ” .

Proponents of the view that between Roswell and Corona crashed extraterrestrial spaceship , cite a number of witnesses . Almost always , however, opinions such as: ” I heard that someone heard that someone saw something .” The books on the event there are often non-existent buildings and people . The authors put words in the mouth of witnesses who said they did not even conduct ” interviews ” with long dead people. Those skilled in the UFO was able to play ( come ? ) Vehicle appearance aliens. Do not like it anyway typical ” flying saucer “, but rather the contemporary designs of aircraft undetectable to radar . They failed to give any while hard evidence to support their claims. In 1995, it seemed that found their confirmation . Well, on May 5 this year hosted a public premiere of the film seven minute 1947 , purportedly showing an alien autopsy . The film introduced American film producer Ray Santilli . Apparently he bought it for $ 150,000 from the military operator , Jack Barnett, in suspicious circumstances. Most experts concluded after a thorough analysis , however, the movie ‘s contemporary forgery, moreover, quite well done.