Che Guevara – a man with three faces ?

Few historical figures have become part of contemporary culture. One of the positive hero is brave revolutionary Che Guevara . However, in the course of reading different publications begs the question: are you sure we talking about the same man ?

Which is the real Che Guevara ? The heroic , fearless commander of the oppressed , romantic fighter for universal happiness and prosperity , as proponents see it . Is ” killing machine “, a psychopathic megalomaniac dreaming of turning the whole world into a big concentration camp , complete loser , as he perceived opponents . Perhaps the truth lies in the middle ? Maybe his personality clashes between different elements : idealism and adventurism , care about people and the cold cruelty ? Perhaps the most real , because real for millions of people , is the third image of Che , a man – a symbol , created by contemporary popular culture ?


Let us first biography of Che in terms of his followers and many admirers. Comrade Che , in fact, was named Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna . He was born June 14, 1928 , in Argentina. During his medical studies in Buenos Aires interested in left-wing thought . Poverty and exploitation, with which he met while traveling in South America, led him to believe that the only solution to the problem of social injustice is widespread revolution . After graduation, he went to Guatemala, where he witnessed the overthrow of the revolutionary government of Arbenz Guzman Jaocb . Participation in the CIA coup cemented in his mind the image of the U.S. as an imperialist aggressor , the enemy of all progressive movements in the world. During this period, gained his famous nickname ” Che “, difficult to translate because of the ambiguity . In Spanish, it can mean as much as “hey ! “, ” oh” or ” buddy ” .

In Guatemala, Che Guevara fled to Mexico, where he met the brothers Fidel and Raul Castro , who planned to overthrow the ruler of Cuba corrupt regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista and joined them . As the only non- Cuban arrived on the island with a group of revolutionaries in November 1956. At first he was a doctor. For a nominal conversion to fighter took a moment later , when in combat with soldiers Batista refused medical bag to pick up dropped by another partisan box of ammunition . He was one of the best and bravest revolutionary army commanders , took care of the discipline , but also about the education of his subordinates.


After the victory of the revolution , Che joined the organization of life in a new, socialist country. All the time he had to defend the gains of the revolution from its enemies , including the commander of the Cuban prison La Cabana , which kept the counter-revolutionaries . Then the challenge awaited him transforming Cuba into a socialist industrialized economy . He played an important role in establishing friendship and cooperation between Cuba and the Soviet Union . To protect your new home before the American attack , led to the installation in 1962 of Soviet missiles on the island . In Cuba, spread the ideology of the New Man – a necessary condition for the creation of an ideal communist society . Che personally set an example that should be a new man , spending free time to voluntary work in shear cane in the mill or yard.

Che was known for a modest and simple lifestyle. The only pleasure is what he allowed was smoking a cigar . He had a great sense of humor . His courage was legendary . I personally looked after and treated captured enemies. He was deeply convinced of the correctness of the chosen path . In his diary he wrote: ” Let’s be realistic . Let’s ask the impossible . ”

Che could not lead a comfortable life , when so many people in the world suffer misery and persecution. He was disappointed that the USSR betray the ideals of the revolution, deal with the imperialists . During visits to the country resented lavish parties organized by party officials . ” Is that the working class lives in your country ? ” – He asked ironically . In the end, agreed with Fidel Castro that secretly leave Cuba to organize guerrilla warfare . Some speculate that Castro got rid of it from the island – because of his great popularity saw in him a competitor.

Otherwise comrade Che perceive his opponents . According to them from his youth he was fascinated by violence. During his medical studies he became interested in Marxism in its Bolshevik release. Specially learned the Russian language. After a stay in Venezuela came to the conclusion that Guzman lost , because the time has not killed all potential opponents. He tried not to make the same mistake – his enemies liquidating consistently. In the end, the group agreed to Cuban adventurers who wanted to overthrow the government of President Batista .

In contrast to Castro and other revolutionaries who , in fact, just about power, Che was a fanatical communist ideology . He played a major role in replacing democracy in Cuba totalitarian communism in the Soviet version . His only achievement of war during the Cuban Revolution was to get the train, who drives the support for the defenders of the city of Santa Clara, but according to many witnesses, the commander of the train surrendered without a fight , because he had taken a bribe . Besides Che dealt with decommissioning of their real and potential enemies , which automatically recognized as opponents of the revolution. This activity continued in La Cabana prison , which held the previous government officials , journalists , businessmen and priests. There appeared en masse in ” revolutionary “, without trial , hundreds of death sentences . For his lust for killing made his ideology. In a speech in 1967 praised the ” unfettered hatred for enemies , which allows a person to exceed his natural limitations , making it an effective , ruthless , emotionless killing machine .

Later, he served as head of the central bank and the Ministry of Industry, although completely impervious to the economy . As a result, a functioning led to the collapse of the Cuban economy . Cuba has not created an industrialized country , but he managed to ruin agriculture . I almost did not lead to the outbreak of World War III , when thanks to his efforts, the Russians put missiles in Cuba with nuclear warheads . This perspective , moreover, did not worry him . Shortly after the so-called Cuban missile crisis Che said: “If the rocket remained , we would have used them all and directed them to the heart of the United States , including New York .” The fact that Soviet and Cuban comrades bowing to the U.S. pressure and withdrew missiles , Che Guevara treated as a betrayal of socialism.

The figure of Che has fascinated people for his life. In the 50s and 60 Communist ideology was very popular in the West, especially among the intelligentsia . Sympathy large part of public opinion was on the side of the revolutionary movements in Africa , Asia and South America. Their leaders and participants considered the true defenders of persecuted people. So come face third companion of Che – a mythical hero . Over time, it has less to do with its historical prototype . He became just another character in the type of Zorro or Robin Hood – mysterious , romantic hero , symbolizing the quest for freedom , nonconformity and fight for their ideals .

Julia Thompson